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Fighting for a cause

Let us fight....Fight for a Cause....Fight for PEACE..

In the midst of the world strugling to survive the economic turmoil, the values of humanity are getting less valued, rather the conflicts intensed further which sparks the human innate bestial nature to justify the right to take life of others and disregard the co-existence of each others.

Our core values are projected to inspire the values of humanity which ought to surpass other values, ideas & principles embedded in any pre-conceived ideas & beliefs.

We believe that "Every Single Life As Sacred" therefore each life & every single born in this world is worthy of perfect love & protection from any form of harm.

We are strugling to bring together all races, beliefs and colors to uniformity of a " Virtuous Call", that is "None Shall Take Life Except The Giver of Life". We strive to inspire and emphasis that Every human being has been made equal, therefore the right to live & protection are equally applied to all mankind disregard of beliefs & ideas.

Human being as a unique creature on this planet Earth is entrusted with Trust & Accountability to protect this planet Earth & mankind from any form of harm & destruction.

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